Increasing use of technology gives birth to more Cybercrime. The counter to this problem? That's for you to find. Perform your duties as a responsible citizen and wisely use your resources to combat this problem.
We have recently heard of earthquakes destroying cities, lives, and property. They say that Mother Earth punishes us with natural disasters, but can we predict them in advance and minimize the damage? Show your creativity and find a solution.
After the pandemic, gaming has become a go-to safe corner for people, away from the stresses of life. And the people they interact with there sometimes become their best buddies. Use your skills to create such a platform where people can have fun and chill too.
In today's world, the importance of mental health cannot be ignored, especially after the torrid few years humanity has seen. How can you use modern technology to create something that helps make the world more relaxing?
Yet another hot topic in the modern scheme of things, this theme is for you Virtual Reality geeks out there. Brainstorm an idea that opens up the Metaverse to people in a new way, with many new possibilities.
Probably the need of the hour, with increasing populations and decreasing resources. Technological advancements are often blamed for the worsening state of the environment. Now, you must use this technology and develop ideas to prepare us for the future.
Owner of Resurrection Stone
Prizes Worth Rs.80k+
Cash Prize Rs. 20000
+Tons of swags and giveaways
Posesser of Elder Wand
Prizes Worth Rs.100k+
Cash Prize Worth Rs. 30000
+Tons of swags and giveaways
Bearer of Cloak of Invisibility
Prizes Worth Rs.50k+
Cash Prize Worth Rs. 10000
Tons of swags and giveaways
Zeeve kit
Top teams
best hack built on Ethereum($150) and Ethereum+Polygon($200)
.xyz domain free for 1year to top teams
top teams
$250 for best use of Filecoin and/or IPFS
$50 for best project deployed on Replit
Digital Ocean credits
All teams
best begginers project($100) and best advanced project($500) on Solana
Scholarship to all member of winning teams
top teams
1 month free hosting to all participant
all teams
6 month free hosting to top 3 teams
top teams
4K cash and credits worth Rs.110k for premium API each to top 5 teams using Verbwire API.
top teams
Access to wolfarm one for one year
All participants
free 1-year subscription licenses of Axure RP Team Edition
Teams participated in hack36 5.0
different colleges
motivated hackers
Teams participated in hack36 5.0
different colleges
motivated hackers
O wizard! Thee wizard !! What is yond wisdom thee seeketh?
No. You do not have to pay anything to anyone to register yourself for Hack36
Anyone(must be a college student) having a knack of solving real life problems can apply for the hackathon.
Firstly make sure all teammates have registered on Devfolio. You can create your team from the devfolio dashboard.
You can build anything you are passionate about like some web app, mobile app or something using hardware.
Definitely yes!
Participants will be shortlisted based on their GitHub profile and resume.
A team can consist of 2 to 4 members.
If 75% members of a team have a decent profile, the team will get shortlisted. In a rare case where a team is not shortlisted, that team can contact us for the re-evaluation of their team.